New Accounts

New Owners

If you have aquired a new property and you need to have the gas service transferred into your name, please

Notify us at least 5 business days before your move-in by calling (403) 845-2766.

Please provide us with this information:

  • legal land description
  • rural address
  • date you will be taking possession of the property
  • your current address and contact phone numbers
  • the name of the previous owner, if possible

Rocky Gas Co-op will dispatch personnel so that an actual start meter read can be taken at the same time you take possession.

You will be required to provide proof of purchase (title) and sign a current customer contract.

There are no transfer fees; however a membership in the Rocky Gas Co-op is a requirement and the one-time cost is $1. This membership entitles you to vote at meetings and serve as a director.


Three options are available in regards to billing of renters:

  • Member may retain the bills in his own name and make payments
  • Renter has the bills in his name and pays a Security Deposit of $300.00, which will be refunded upon termination, providing their account with the Co-op is in good standing.
  • Member signs a waiver which states that the Renter may have bills in his name without paying a Security Deposit and that the Member will be totally responsible if the renter leaves the system owing a bill.

Emergency Access

In the event of an emergency or gas outage, it may be necessary to gain access to your home. Please provide us with alternate names and phone numbers of people who can access your place if you are not there.

Automated Meter Reading (AMR)

Rocky Gas Co-op is pleased to announce that we have implemented an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system.

This technology has changed the way we get the readings from the natural gas meters. AMR allows Rocky Gas Co-op to accurately read your meter every month without entering your property.

All meters must remain accessible at all times for maintenance, collection of meter reads and emergencies.


Phone(403) 845-2766

Fax(403) 845-5720


4922 43 St, Box 697
Rocky Mountain House, AB
T4T 1A5

Copyright: 2024
Rocky Gas Co-op Ltd.

Rural Utility Website by Jensii